Interview with Our Alumni

Danielle Nagtalon

Current (12/11/2022) Assistant Buyer at GUESS?
Danielle Nagtalon is our AMM alumni since 2020 and an assistant buyer at GUESS ♥️🔥 Danielle speaks on how to prepare for the interview, how she started her own jewelry business (Instagram: during the pandemic (She is taking custom orders only), insight into an assistant buyer’s day, and more! Thank you Danielle for this positively detailed and impactful interview ♥️  

Sarah Dumlao

Current (12/11/2022) Global Responsive Supply Planner at NIKE
💙 Sarah is a Global Supply Planner, specializing in Apparel and Accessories at NIKE and has been in the apparel industry since 2014. With a plethora of knowledge and experience in the industry, Sarah magnifies what a person needs, in order to thrive in the corporate world. Additionally, Sarah shares about some vulnerable moments in her career development and inspires us with her ever persevering attitude. A great interview that is beneficial for all! Thank you Sarah for this genuine and valuable interview. 💙